
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

See Ya 2014



2014 has been quite the year. Mason became a big brother and our whole family grew in ways we could never imagine. Mason had no visits to the ER, thank God, and no serious flus or colds. Health wise, this was Mason's best year yet! Sleep wise.. it has been one of the worst, aside from this last month which has been MUCH better, Mason was waking up at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 am ready to be up for the day. We tried everything, doctors, prescription drugs, high doses of melatonin, low doses of melatonin, even stricter routine, keeping toys from him, letting him cry.. nothing worked. Then something flipped in Mason's body, faith took over, God heard our prayers, whatever it was, suddenly he started sleeping. Thank God.

Mason's Improvements in 2014:

*improved speech and simple communication

*no longer eating Gerber baby foods (now homemade purees) 

*using a hard sippy cup

*pulling himself to stand

*plays with toys intentionally (i.e. playing with a car on the ground and saying vroom)

*drink from open cup(in the bath tub)

*tolerance in social environments has improved

Goals for 2015:


*self feeding

*eating table food(not purees)

*drink from open cup with meals

*more independence 

*use the potty

*be more tolerant of sissy

*interact with other kids better

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