
Thursday, April 24, 2014

So, it's been just about a year since my last post here on Mason's blog. I plan to consistently keep his blog running again, so let's get caught up to what Mason's been up to lately. My last post was on Mason's up coming IEP, so I will start there. We declined all offers from the school district and chose to keep Mason at Blind Children's Learning Center. At the time we had no idea how we could afford to keep him there, but decided that was best for Mason, so we would figure it out. Luckily we are very blessed with a support system who also wants what is best for Mason, and the money for his tuition was donated. Thanks God!

So, on the topic of school, Mason is doing really well! He loves school! When we decided to keep him at BCLC, we knew we would be making a sacrifice in services, but figured being in a setting designed for the blind with teachers experienced with ONH, would make up for the lack of services, and so far so good.. Mason is soaring right now!

What has Mason been up to?
 His language is blooming right now. He has a small vocabulary, but is very motivated to communicate. He says small words that are relevant to his day to day routine such as; eat(papa in portuguese), bye bye, baba, water, swing, music, cuzzi(jacuzzi), bath, up, down, piano, sisst, etc. Mostly, Mason is understanding SO much! This has been a really amazing improvement.

Mason has started pulling himself on furniture.. or anything really, he is standing up on everything! This is hige progress! At school he uses a walker sometimes, but really doesn't care for it much. He also has his leg braces, but really does so much more when he's not wearing them.

As far as his eating goes.. unfortunately there is not too much progress in that area. Mason still has a hard time tolerating textures beyond Gerber, but it is a work in progress. He will eat oatmeal and smashed banana, I try to give him real food whenever I can such as yogurt or applesauce.

Last but not least, Mason has been sleeping through the night!! Hallelujah!

This is pretty much where Mason is at these days. :)

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