
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hello 2013!

It is practically May and we have made no updates for 2013..apparantly I have been slacking big time on the blogging. Our computer died and we were using just an iPad which is a little frustrating to do things like 'blog' on.

So I will begin with Mason's progress. Every year in January we take note of the goals Mason met and the goals we have for him for the year.

Goals met 2012:

*Improved communication- Mason will give a kiss on command, find his belly button, when it is time to eat, we say "lets eat" and he will take his pacifier from his mouth and wait, same goes for drinking.

*Mason is able to sit himself up from laying down, and he now goes on all fours and on both hands and both feet(like he's doing yoga, downward dog)

*Mason uses a real sippy cup now, but is very picky about which one.

*Enjoys ice cream. This was a big deal, it's a sensory thing with the coldness, but Mason would cry when I would try to give him ice cream. Now, he LOVES it!

*the right side is getting stronger and more functional every day, slowly but surely.

* Improved light perception.They are now seeing a definite reaction to light with both eyes.

I will also mention that every 6 months Mason is evaluated at school for his progress. They grade him based on a 'months level' (6m, 9m, 18m, etc.) Mason improved in every area by at least 3 months, taking him to the next level bracket !

Goals for 2013:

*Mobility- walking. We have a walker for Mason we have been practicing with, we would love to see him use it, even with with assistance out and about in the world. Right now he will tolerate it for about the distance of our living room.

*improved speech and communication

*continue to improve and strengthen the right side

*drink from an open cup or straw

*self feeding

*swim in the pool with floaties alone

*pull to stand, cruise furniture

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