
Thursday, October 27, 2011


Life has been busy as usual! Mason as been making so many improvements, things that may seem small, but actually are so HUGE! *He finally said MAMA!! and bababa. *He is almost sitting himself up, we have been working on this for like 6 months. On the couch he can sit himself, but not on the floor yet. *He is starting to use his right hand more and more, before he wouldn't use his right hand at all, now he will pass things back and forth. * He is putting things in his mouth more and more, still not eating solid foods, only baby food, but hopefully with him putting more things in his mouth he will start liking crackers and things. All these little things show that he is really progressing, slowly but surely, we are making progress, and that means we are that much closer to crawling..and walking!
It's funny, these are all things that I never thought about, you assume they just happen. But, having a baby that needs so much more effort and attention in his development, has made me really appreciate all these little things! I swear the day he starts crawling, we are throwing a party!!

We are now receiving 2 days of physical therapy, 2 days of occupational therapy, and 2 days of infant stim(sensory and vision therapy) plus we will start going to Mommy and Me play group at the Blind Center on Fridays

Aside from driving Mason to all his therapy sessions,I am still works 3 days a week, the hubby is working 50 hours, and we have our new house to take care of, always have some projects going on, yard work, house work, and things of the sort. Sometimes I don't know how we do it all, and sometimes, I would just love to sleep the day away..and then I realize just how blessed we are that we have each other, and that we have created this amazing life together to raise Mason and any other future additions :)
As of now, that's the life of us <3

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